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Shipping to Ghana

Reasons to use Private Shipping Company DHL

  1. Many African countries have corrupted postal offices and inadequate infrastructure to secure delivery

  2. Lack of addresses, etc. 

  3. Private shipping minimizes chance of theft and ensures accountability

Our first shipment to Ghana


Original quotes estimated that to ship all materials to Ghana would cost $1200 using UPS and $2100 using DHL for a 24x12x18 box 


Our team re-evaluated and sent 700 flat diodes, 20 female USB, 20 male USB, 20 voltage regulators, 7 thermal switches, and 690 round diodes for the cost of $300. We sent enough diodes and switches to construct about 10 ISEC


Martin is unable to purchase PCTS, 3.2V batteries, and gorilla tape in Ghana. 








Martin purchasing products in Ghana at a more expensive rate than in America is still overall less than the high cost of international shipping

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