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Our project plan

In this project, our main goal is to support Martin with starting his business. By the end of this project, we hope to have a solid website with the necessary information put in place so that other people interested in this technology may be able to use the information for themselves. We also want to have a business that is ready to accept the grant put in place by the end of the quarter, since the deadline is quickly approaching. 


We plan to work with Martin to make sure all relevant information is on the website and make sure we are providing him with educated information on starting his business. We also want to get more information about the technology from Pete and the other groups as well as pictures from Martin and the team in Ghana so that we can update the company website accordingly. 


Because the role of our group is the start the business, we don't have a lot of other solutions to the problem. However, this allows us to concentrate our energy and efforts into the website and research to starting the business so that out plans can be accomplished by the end of the quarter. 

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