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Solar Cooking: Starting the Business

Appropriate Technologies Fall 2019


Our Problem and Goal

In Ghana, Martin is currently working with the solar cooking technology and presenting it across Africa to raise awareness. Our professor, Pete Schwartz, has received a grant from UKAid via MECS to distribute this technology but does not yet have a company to receive the grant with. Without a ton of business background, he needs help from our group in starting the ISEC business in Ghana.

Our team's goal is to start the business for Martin, who is working with Insulated Solar Electric Cookers in Ghana. We'd like to help create a website that encourages others to start businesses with this solar cooking technology so that the work from past teams to create ISECs becomes a more widespread benefit in developing nations. We are also helping to make business decisions for Martin's business so that he can start it up as soon as possible and the distribution of this technology can begin.

While our group's main focus is on starting the business and creating the website, we are collaborating with other ISEC groups to decide on dissemination techniques and which cities this technology will be piloted in. 

Cal Poly


Cal Poly Corporation has received the $40,000 UKAid via MECS grant to support this project. To best support Martin and his team in Ghana, they have hired him as an independent contractor so that funds can be directly funneled to him in Ghana for his work there.  



Pete and Appropriate Technology Classes

Martin Osei

Recently, Martin has been a representative for this SolCook. He is attending local and international conferences, including the upcoming Clean Cook Fair in Kenya (learn more here: to present on Pete's specific design. 

Martin is based in Agbokpa, Ghana and is being compensated for his contribution and labor in spreading this technology. 

With the support of other groups focusing in Solar Electric Cooking in Ghana as well as past classes that have developed the technology, we have been able to start developing a business model and website. 

Pete, the dissemination team and data collection and analysis team are actively working to support the business' mission.


Visit Pete's Website here:

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